Monday, April 8, 2013

Tell a Story in Order

When telling a story, start at the beginning.  This may not be the beginning of your day.  If the event happened in the middle of the day, start there.  Introduce enough of the event so that we have some background, but we don't need to know about your breakfast (if it's got nothing to do with the main part of your story).

For example:

This was the big day of our youth group field trip.  Me, Adam, Roxanne, and some other friends were going to the Amlings Haunted House.  It was cool because they had carnival rides as well.  After going through the haunted house (and listening to Adam scream like a girl) we came outside to enjoy some rides.  Even though I was nervous, I went on the RING OF FIRE twice and was surprisingly fine.  You see, I’m one of those that gets motion sickness, and I mean really bad.  I thought my good luck would continue on the Tilt-a-Whirl, but BOY was I wrong!

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