Monday, March 19, 2012


Click for a slip!

Homework March 19th

Math-Revised Homelinks p.297. The students made a multiplication/division puzzle box to mimic what we worked on in class today. They crossed out directions and filled in the factors in the correct boxes.
Math-times test
Spelling-First ten spicy sentences (they were given time to work on these in class)
Learning Goal-We had our first one turned in today! :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Homework March 12th

Seems forever ago that we actually had homework...okay, maybe it was only a week. Short and sweet tonight:

Spelling-First ten spicy sentences (some finished in class this morning)
Math-Geometry review worksheet

Learning Goals are due May 1st, but can be brought into school as soon as they're ready to go!