Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homework February 29

HAPPY LEAP DAY! Sorry, I"ve been bad with the homework lately. Here's the short list:

Math-Times test

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mr. Palka Guest Reader!

We learned about a manatee named Chessie, and got some great information from Mr. Palka.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Homework February 23

Math- Let's get ready-Tenths and Hundredths & Monster Math
Animal Report- Some are bringing these home to work on! Outline listed on previous post. All proofreading will be done at school with me. :)

Animal Report Outline

For those that asked, click away!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Homework February 22

Hello all. Sorry, we were having so much fun in school today that the teacher (we won't name any names) didn't dismiss the students with enough time to write their assignments in!! OOOPPPSSS!! Here's the homework, short and sweet:

Math-Let's get ready books:LINES, RAYS, and LINE SEGMENTS page and SOLIDS and POLYGONS

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Homework February 21

Math-LETS GET READY booklets-Symmetry and Congruent Figures page.
Times tests will come home tomorrow.
Reading-Free Read

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mr. Rao Guest Reader!

Mr. Rao read to us Just So Stories, by Rudyard Kipling. Little did he know that we are doing fables and things in nature explained through stories in Reading and Science right now. What a happy accident! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Homework February 13

Math- Angle WS (finish MJ p. 143 from class-almost everyone is done with this)
Spelling-First 10 spicy sentences

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Mrs. Agnew and Mrs. Homan came in to talk to us about composting. Since we've been working towards trying to get a community garden on the school grounds, this was a perfect connection for us! Want to send in any food scraps? Our worms would love to have them! No oils, meats, or salty stuff. :)

Chinese New Year Guest Reader

Mrs. Stolz came and did a great presentation on Chinese New Year for us. What fun!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homework February 9

Math-Math Journal p.138

Times Test

Spelling-Study for Spelling Test

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homework February 7

Math-Homelinks p.281
Spelling-Next 10 spicy sentences

Centers work to finish (if not done during centers time):
-Scholastic News-"Would you want to be President?"
-Response to "Pigasso," in Sparks or Fizzler

Monday, February 6, 2012

Homework February 6

Math-Homelinks p.280
Spelling-First 10 spicy sentences